Neo-criteria: The Four S's


The Four S's are four main symptom-groups which all begin with the letter S. These are: Stereotyped and Ritualized Behavior, Sensory Processing Differences, Special Interests, and Social Divergence.


Neo-criteria, or the Four S's, are four symptom-groups which for the most part encompass the range of traits (both presentable and more internal) of autistic folk. They exist parallel and in conjunction with diagnostic criteria (thus why they are labeled "Neo-criteria") such as is present in the DSM, but also serve generally to describe autism and autistic experiences.

Relation to DSM

Though a lot of the Neo-criteria mirror the DSM diagnostic criteria, they're structured quite differently. The DSM criteria are split up into two sections: "persistant deficits in social communication / interaction" as criteria A, and "restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities" as criteria B. Criteria A stays mostly the same in concept, whereas the latter, criteria B, is split into three new neo-criteria. This is because criteria B covers massive volumes of the autistic experience only briefly, and I felt that it deserved more specificity. Areas B.1 and B.2, which are "stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or speech", and "insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior", respectively, are combined into one Neo-criteria, entitled "Stereotyped and Ritualized Behavior". B.3, "highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus", is transformed into the Neo-criteria "Special Interests". B.4, "hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input" becomes "Sensory Processing Differences". Revisiting criterion A, which has become "Social Divergence". This rebalancing of